Master-Bilt® Refrigeration News & Product Information

Freestanding Hurricane Zone Walk-Ins

Freestanding walk-in coolers and freezers approved for severe weather conditions including High Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ).

Master-Bilt provides freestanding walk-ins that withstand hurricanes & other devastating storms.

Master-Bilt provides freestanding walk-ins built to withstand hurricanes and other devastating storms. Choose from various sizes for your needs, with faster order turnaround.

Benefits include:

  • More flexibility in location of walk-ins – No building walls are required around them
  • With our expanded approval, there's no need for a third-party stamp so orders are processed faster (Miami-Dade County, Florida Approval
    No. 23-0823.07)
  • We have expanded our size range and now offer combination models to fit your needs

State of Florida/Miami-Dade Freestanding Walk-Ins

Please Note:

  • These limitations are for outdoor free-standing walk-ins and there are no restrictions on indoor walk-ins and outdoor walk-in sizes that stand beside existing walls/buildings
  • The sizes and layouts below satisfy all the State of Florida/Miami-Dade requirements
  • No connections to existing buildings are required

Available Sizes:

Miami-Dade (HVHZ)Combo20 x 14 (Max)*9'6"
12 x 14 (Min)*9'6"
State of Florida (Non-HVHZ)Combo24 x 14 (Max)*13'6"
12 x 14 (Min)**
Miami-Dade and State ofFloridaSingle14 x 14 (Max)**
14 x 10 (Min)**

*Available for all noted walk-ins in 1" increments between maximum and minimum.

  • Height: 8'7" maximum
  • Length varies in 1' increments (12' to 24')
  • No building walls are required around the walk-in cooler or freezer
  • All units are available in the floorless option
  • Combo walk-ins are available with a partial floor option, and all single walk-ins are available in both floor/floorless options
  • These designs include new anchorage with continuous 1/4" bent plate around the walk-in and one side of the shared wall


  • Except for the optional walls, all remaining are fixed, and optional walls can be removed or reduced
  • Maximum of one door allowed per side on exposed exterior walls
  • All doors are 4' maximum wide and in the middle, as shown on the width side, and can replace one optional on each side
  • Corners, adjacent corners, and "T" wall panels cannot be replaced or removed
  • The walk-in width is fixed but flexible along the length in 1" increments

Please note:

  • Optional walk-in panels can be removed, reduced or replaced
  • All doors must be in the middle on the width side and the maximum one door on each side of exterior walls in place of optional walls
  • Do not remove or modify hatched walls

Freestanding Florida hurricane zone walk-in combo plan view.


Freestanding Miami-Dade hurricane zone walk-in combo plan view.


Freestanding Miami and Florida hurricane zone walk-in single compartment plan view.