Master-Bilt® Refrigeration News & Product Information
Glass Door Merchandisers: The Possibilities are Endless
(updated 2-17-22)
The addition of refrigerated space in smaller retail outlets is a trend that has been going on for many years. Everyone from drug and dollar stores to home improvement outlets have been getting in in the act because operators realize the added value of frozen and refrigerated foods to their businesses.
One type of display case these businesses are turning to often is Endless, or continuous, glass door merchandisers. As the name “Endless” implies, store operators can create a nearly unlimited lineup of doors using single modules of 2, 3, 4 and 5 doors. In fact, coolers, freezers or both can be integrated into a single line or, if preferred, the single modules may be used as standalone cases.
Endless Refrigeration Systems Fit Different Needs
Each retailer’s situation is unique, so we offer different styles to fit your needs. Master-Bilt Endless glass door merchandisers with remote refrigeration systems are ideal for removing heat and noise from the sales space. These models are typically used in situations where mounting the refrigeration system on a roof is not an issue.
For areas with tighter spaces, there are models with a top-mounted refrigeration system. Installation is easy because each system is pre-charged with refrigerant and equipped with quick connect fittings and flexible hoses.
Endless merchandisers with remote systems are used where mounting the refrigeration system on a roof is not an issue.
Models with top mount systems install quickly and feature a 20-inch tall covering over the system.
Endless Offers Enhanced Merchandising
Master-Bilt Endless glass door merchandisers are designed to help you sell. That’s why we made sure you have more product pack-out and visibility.
For example, Endless display coolers and freezers have a large product pack-out area for additional facings. Additionally, deep shelving allows each model to hold more products and saves re-stocking time.
In addition to pack-out, product visibility is important in boosting profits. With that in mind, we designed Endless merchandisers with 70-inch tall glass doors for more viewing area than any other competitive standard height case. Customers see all your products because 100% of the pack-out space falls within their viewable area.
In any merchandiser, effective lighting is vital. Therefore, each Master-Bilt Endless display case is equipped with high color rendering index LED lighting so products are in their most complimentary lighting.
Customers see all your products because 100% of the pack-out space falls within their viewable area.
Endless Provides Improved Energy Efficiency
We know operational expenses like electricity are a challenge, which makes energy efficiency essential. Master-Bilt Endless models have optimized front air curtains preventing warm, moist air from entering the case during door openings. Keeping warm air out means the refrigeration system doesn’t work as hard to keep products cold. Also, consistent temperatures help avoid product shrink. For added efficiency, Design Lighting Consortium listed LED lights produce more lumens per watt.
Endless Features Reliable Construction
Master-Bilt Endless merchandisers also provide reliable performance. For example, each merchandiser is constructed of 2-1/2-inch thick panels. Inside these panels is polyurethane foam which provides the best insulation available. This insulation helps ensure a consistently cold interior temperature to protect your refrigerated or frozen food items.
Endless Improves Shopping Environment
Endless merchandisers also help you maintain a more pleasant shopping environment for customers. The glass doors hold cold air inside the case as opposed to open air models where the coldness floods the aisles making customers uncomfortable.
Endless merchandisers provide many advantages in system flexibility, product display and energy efficiency. If you’re looking to expand your refrigerated or frozen space, our customer service representatives are ready to create the right solution for your needs.
More information on Endless with Remote Refrigeration Systems
More on Endless with Semi-Self-Contained Refrigeration Systems