Master-Bilt Refrigeration News & Product Information

The AIR Initiative: Master-Bilt’s Program to meet the EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy

Master-Bilt is dedicated to providing the most environmentally friendly equipment while still providing optimum energy and safety performance. Answering the challenge of the EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP), which calls for de-listing of certain HFC refrigerants including R-404A and R-134a, we have developed the AIR Initiative. This program outlines the use of HFO blended refrigerants and foaming agents to meet SNAP guidelines as the best possible solution for our customers.

Blended Refrigerants

A blended refrigerant is a combination of two or more single component refrigerants. Blends provide many advantages including:

  • Drastic reductions in global warming potential when compared to traditional HFCs
    • R-449A offers a 64% reduction over R-404A
    • R-513a offers a 56% reduction compared to R-134a and an 84% reduction compared to R-404A
  • Energy efficiency and performance characteristics very similar to HFCs
  • ASHRAE A1 classification – Safe and non-flammable
  • Approved and supported by major component manufacturers
  • Blends are “drop-in” replacements for HFCs, meaning:
    • Quick and easy retro-fits
    • Replacement compressors use existing technology and are readily available
    • Continue to use current standard thermostatic expansion valves, filter driers and solenoid valves
    • They are capable of being mixed with POE lubricants currently used in compressors
    • They are extensively field tested with no equipment, lubricant or seal changes
  • No special aftermarket service requirements
  • Non-volatile, non-flammable solution


Our timeline for implementation of the AIR Initiative is as follows: