Master-Bilt® Refrigeration News & Product Information

Infographic: Top 8 Walk-In Features

Planning to purchase a walk in cooler or freezer? These days, availability is a major guiding factor along with price. In addition, here are some other important features to look for.

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    Polyurethane Insulation

    Panels foamed with polyurethane provide superior insulation over polystyrene or wood. It takes about 8 inches of polystyrene to equal 4 inches of polyurethane. It takes about 33 inches of solid wood to equal!

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    Cam-Locking Panels

    A cam-locking system makes it easy to assemble panels. Should a walk-in need relocation or expansion, panels can be taken apart as easily as they are assembled.

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    Wide Range Of Sizes

    Your supplier should be able to accommodate a wide size range from 6 x 6 foot to larger, more elaborate warehouses.

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    Choices In Flooring

    Consider the type and weight of floor traffic and inside shelving systems. Your supplier should be able to supply multiple flooring types ranging from standard, typically capable of supporting 700 pounds per square foot, to heavy-duty and structural floors.

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    Adjustable Hinge Backing Plates

    Adjustable hinge backing plates allow a user to square up a door without removing it or the frame. Adjustable in any direction, not just horizontally.

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    Dead-Bolt Locking Handles

    Deadbolt-locking handles on all entry doors provide extra security.

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    Door Width Options

    Typical standard door widths include 26″, 30″ or 36″. Make sure you choose a width sufficient to clear carts or other traffic going into the walk in.

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    Matching Refrigeration Systems

    Look for a supplier who also provides refrigeration systems to go with your cooler or freezer. Self-contained and remote system options should be offered.